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Who Qualifies for Assisted Living?

A caregiver in a blue uniform supports an older adult as they walk together indoors

Assisted living provides a supportive and safe living environment for seniors who require assistance with daily activities. This type of senior living offers a range of services, including help with medication management, personal care, meals, and housekeeping. If you or a loved one is considering assisted living as an option for long-term care, it’s important […]

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Helping Your Loved One Transition to Assisted Living Smoothly

A senior couple rest their foreheads against each other while holding up the keys to their new living space up to the camera

Watching a loved one move into assisted living can be an emotional decision for everyone involved. It’s a significant life change filled with questions, emotions, and new opportunities. Assisted living communities are designed to provide the care, socialization, and enriched life experiences that our loved ones deserve during this chapter of their lives. You can […]

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How To Choose A Retirement Community

When considering retirement, it’s crucial to choose the right retirement community. It’s about more than comfort, decorations, peace and quiet —it’s about finding a place that truly feels like your new home. So how do you choose the right retirement community? When choosing a future retirement community, make sure to: Look at the location and […]

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Why Should Senior Citizens Perform Balance Exercises

A senior woman standing on one leg, with his other leg lifted slightly off the ground.

Many of us take our balance for granted. But as we get older, it becomes much more likely to start experiencing falls—and these can have serious long-term consequences. Seniors need a certain level of physical exercise every week to remain healthy, and balance exercises should be included—otherwise, falling or stumbling becomes a risk. Fortunately, this […]

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When to Move from Assisted Living to Memory Care?

Two women holding hands wherein one is a younger woman and the other is a senior.

Times of transition and change can be difficult for anyone. For someone with dementia or other cognitive issues, transition periods can be even more stressful or anxiety-inducing. In some cases, memory care isn’t suitable for an adult in the early stages of dementia. However, assisted living communities can often assist the aging adult until it’s […]

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